Green mobility improves but not the air quality of our cities

Migliora la mobilità green ma non la qualità dell'aria delle nostre città

Today, June 3rd, is World Bicycle Day and since we at Narvalo are great supporters of green mobility, we couldn't refrain from telling you something more!

This anniversary was born in 2018 by the UN which decided to establish this recognition for a means which, in its extreme simplicity and longevity, is also economical, excellent for our health and eco-sustainable.

In fact, this is exactly the case, choosing to use a means of transport with a very low environmental impact to get around may seem like a small gesture but, if done by many, it can generate amazing results for the health of our planet and the air around us.

Various studies have highlighted that 2020 was a particularly positive year for sustainable mobility and, in particular, for bicycles: in fact, due to the pandemic, many preferred to avoid public transport by moving on foot, by car, by scooter or using bikes. Furthermore, thanks to the mobility bonus , many have decided to purchase this type of perfect means of transport to limit city traffic and the CO2 emissions produced during travel.

This choice of many citizens has not gone unnoticed, in fact even the quantity of cycle paths present in various Italian cities has undergone a great improvement in terms of km that can be covered , among the most virtuous are Milan (+ 67 km), Bologna (+ 16 km) and Rome (+ 33 km).

Despite these great steps towards sustainability, the air pollution situation on our peninsula has not undergone such significant improvements ; according to a Legambiente report, in fact, in 2020, out of 96 provincial capitals, 35 went beyond the limits established by law for the daily concentration of PM10 and 60 Italian cities ( 62% of the sample ) recorded an annual average higher than 20 µg/ cubic meters of fine dust compared to the maximum limits set by the WHO. Furthermore, with the summer openings, traffic will intensify, generating a greater concentration of pollutants which, with the rise in temperatures , will lead to an increase in smog levels in city environments.

This is why it will be essential for all those who decide to use a sustainable means of transport such as the bicycle to get around, to protect themselves with devices capable of maximizing their health .

Our Urban Masks were created with urban commuters in mind , i.e. urban commuters, anyone who decides to move around the city in traffic with the consequent risk of inhaling highly harmful substances. The 5-layer filtering technology of our PPE allows you to optimally defend yourself from smog , urban particulate matter, bacteria and even pollen .

Furthermore, with the help of the new electronic and smart Active Shield device , the user will be able to experience an unparalleled sensation of freshness: through the extraction valve it will be possible to eliminate heat , CO2 and humidity inside the mask.

Our mission leads us to improve our products every day and create new ones in order to have the opportunity to best support all those who decide to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, to contribute to the health of the air in our cities .

Raising awareness as many users as possible of the problems related to urban pollution and providing them with PPE capable of protecting themselves is our main objective in the hope that, by all working together, the world can become a better place and that future generations can live and grow in a cleaner world .

To celebrate this day, only for today , it will be possible to purchase our Urban Masks with a 20% discount using the code during checkout


Together we can be the change we would like to see in the world

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Proteggiamoci dai rischi della corsa in città
In moto sempre protetti, anche dallo smog

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